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”Testimonials are a great conversion element and on this homepage template, you can display one or several of them in this section. The testimonials can be about you, your site or the free product you’re offering on the page.”
Shane Melaugh
“Each testimonial has a heading, which you can use to highlight the best part of the testimonial. This is great to get the attention of those readers who are simply skimming through your page.”
Jane Doe
“Three testimonials is a good number for this layout, but remember that you can easily delete or duplicate the testimonials to display as many or as few of them as you like.”
Shane Melaugh
In this section, display a more personal or candid photo of yourself and add some text about who you are. This homepage template is “author-focused” and it’s all about building trust and rapport. This is when you aren’t just selling a product, you’re also doing personal branding and you want to connect with your audience on a more personal level. You should keep this section short, but you can link to a more extensive bio at the end.
Copyright 2017, Company Name
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